Take on Film & Impact Application Call 2024

Movies that Matter is looking for documentary film projects on human rights and/or social or environmental issues to participate in our Take on Film & Impact programme on 24, 25 and 26 March 2024. The Take on Film & Impact programme takes place during the Movies that Matter Festival 22 – 30 March 2024 in The Hague, The Netherlands. 

The application deadline is Friday, 22nd December 2023.


  1. Due to security reasons the form will close after an inactive session of 30 minutes. In that case an error message appears and all data will be lost. We advise you to collect all necesaary information before starting the application process.
  2. If you get a message saying that the film title already exsists, please add the production year on the end like this: Film title (yyyy)

If you encounter any problems while submitting your application, please send an email to Laura Quarto at l.quarto@moviesthatmatter.nl

Expected date of finishing production
Country of production
Spoken language
Human rights related themes
Please round amounts to whole numbers. Example: if you have a total budget of forty thousand euros and forty cents, please formulate it like this: 40000.
Please round amounts to whole numbers. Example: if you have a total budget of forty thousand euros and forty cents, please formulate it like this: 40000.
Per project we ask two participants to take part in the workshop programme in The Hague in person. Please list these two participants below.
Contact & remarks